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국가를 바꾸는건 국민 입니다. 위선자의 망령에 가려진 대한민국의 진정한 모습을 이제 드러낼 때가 아닐까 합니다. 2012년. 대한민국의 진정한 독립을 이루어냅시다.
by hanseojin
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'ETC'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2009.08.27
    Register description
  2. 2009.08.21
    Register description

read/write (rw) Software can read and write to these bits.
read-only (r) Software can only read these bits.
write-only (w) Software can only write to this bit. Reading the bit returns the reset value.

read/clear (rc_w1) Software can read as well as clear this bit by writing 1. Writing ‘0’ has no effect on the bit value.
1을 입력하면 클리어. 0은 아무 효과 없음.

read/clear (rc_w0) Software can read as well as clear this bit by writing 0. Writing ‘1’ has no effect on the bit value.
0을 입력하면 클리어. 1은 아무 효과 없음.

read/clear by read (rc_r) Software can read this bit. Reading this bit automatically clears it to ‘0’.
Writing ‘0’ has no effect on the bit value.
읽으면 자동으로 0으로 클리어. 0을 대입하면 아무 효과 없음.

read/set (rs) Software can read as well as set this bit. Writing ‘0’ has no effect on the bit value.
읽기, 설정 가능. 0을 대입하면 아무 효과 없음.
(설정이 가능하다고 하는데 어떻게 설정이 가능한지는 모르겠습니다.)

read-only write trigger (rt_w) Software can read this bit. Writing ‘0’ or ‘1’ triggers an event but has no effect on the bit value.

toggle (t) Software can only toggle this bit by writing ‘1’. Writing ‘0’ has no effect.

Reserved (Res.) Reserved bit, must be kept at reset value.
예비(보류, 남겨둔) 비트, 리셋값으로 보존.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'ETC' 카테고리의 다른 글

Register description  (0) 2009.08.21
read/write (rw) Software can read and write to these bits.
read-only (r) Software can only read these bits.
write-only (w) Software can only write to this bit. Reading the bit returns the reset value.

read/clear (rc_w1) Software can read as well as clear this bit by writing 1. Writing ‘0’ has no effect on the bit value.
1을 입력하면 클리어. 0은 아무 효과 없음.

read/clear (rc_w0) Software can read as well as clear this bit by writing 0. Writing ‘1’ has no effect on the bit value.
0을 입력하면 클리어. 1은 아무 효과 없음.

read/clear by read (rc_r) Software can read this bit. Reading this bit automatically clears it to ‘0’.
Writing ‘0’ has no effect on the bit value.
읽으면 자동으로 0으로 클리어. 0을 대입하면 아무 효과 없음.

read/set (rs) Software can read as well as set this bit. Writing ‘0’ has no effect on the bit value.
읽기, 설정 가능. 0을 대입하면 아무 효과 없음.
(설정이 가능하다고 하는데 어떻게 설정이 가능한지는 모르겠습니다.)

read-only write trigger (rt_w) Software can read this bit. Writing ‘0’ or ‘1’ triggers an event but has no effect on the bit value.

toggle (t) Software can only toggle this bit by writing ‘1’. Writing ‘0’ has no effect.

Reserved (Res.) Reserved bit, must be kept at reset value.
예비(보류, 남겨둔) 비트, 리셋값으로 보존.

'ETC' 카테고리의 다른 글

Register description  (0) 2009.08.27


Embedded programming (6)
RTC(Real Time Clock) (3)
ETC (2)
RCC(Reset Control Register) (0)
NVIC(Nested Vectored Interrupt C.. (1)
I'm (0)
etc2 (0)





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